A downloadable game

Hello Sam Palmada, you have the honor to be the member of a space expedition organised by the Black Star. You make your family very proud!

Lost Cavern is an open-source RogueLike where the player is the only survivor of a space expedition and has to go deeper and deeper inside a cavern exploited by an intergalactic corporation.

Destroy the map to redraw your own with bombs or by the strength of your arms, fight General Althorus and his minions, take random drugs, collect legendary weapons, craft lasers and free the Lost Cavern from the exploitation of GemStone!

However, you are infected by a random disease with differents effects... don't forget to use vaccins!

*** This is a Beta version, feel free to contact me at S01den@protonmail.com if you have any suggestion or if you found bugs ***

Discord: https://discord.gg/pZg4feTjTq

Subreddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/LostCavern/


  • Sprites from the tileset of @vurmux (Special thanks to Atsukyo for the help menu)
  • Incredible musics by Sam's cheap tape!
  • You can zoom/dezoom on the map whenever you want
  • Random introduction story
  • Destructible environment
  • Proceduraly generated cave
  • Crafting system (create lasers, walls, bandages, medipacks and a lot of crazy stuff)
  • NPC and Quests. Help workers and peasants in their struggle against GemStone!
  • 3 differents diseases, be careful!


  • Arrows to move or interact with a npc
  • zsqd to attack (aewx in diagonal) or qsad on a qwerty keyboard (you can change the keyboard option in the home menu) or destroy a wall
  • 'c' to display the crafting menu
  • ESC to display the help menu
  • '1' to '+' to use your inventory
  • +/- to zoom/dezoom


Lost_Cavern_Beta.zip 90 MB

Development log